Friday 18 February 2011

Initial ideas

On first receiving the brief I put the sound track on repeat and brainstormed words, emotions, ideas that came to mind. Chinese factory workers came to mind, laboriously repeating the some action in a production line, and then rebellion; a factory plant and some kind of machine malfunction; global warming, the constant flicking of a switch leading to the endangered animals; the beat of the heart speeding up at intervals and eventually leading to a heart attack, these were a mere few, which eventually lead to my idea of the documentation of university life.
I also made some very quick visual studies while listening to the track.

My temporary work station.

Some initial drawings for the global warming idea.

Attempting to add a bit of humour into the piece.

Drawing on ideas of morse code, brail, sheet music, and simply just the movement my hand made that felt like an appropriate response to the music.

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